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Side Drafts Update

June 26, 2013

Hello FCC Members,

Updating the newletter and the Side Drafts is ongoing.

The plan is to do a layout that will work with both in print and online.

Over the next few weeks the Web Master and I will be wraping up to get things up and running.

Once completed, it should be much easier to add items, events and keep everyone up to date.

We are working on a different version of access to allow members easier access to the members only portion.

In the Members Only portion

We will be adding a History Section.

It will include a building library of historical FCC information.

Birthday and Club Anniversery section.

Fickle Finger of Fate award section

Past presidents section.

We are upgrading the membership directory that will include contact information
for all current members and approved former members and friends of the FCC.

The business card will have a new look. we will be using Google and AWeber systems features.

Generic phone and email information will be on the business card and on the main web site.

When a board member changes, a phone number or email address changes,
we will change it on the back end, thus the published information
will never have to be changed.

Building the newsletter is a learning experience for me, but a mission to be accomplished.

If or when someone wants something inserted, if it can be sent in an email, unlocked,
we can copy and paste it into publisher.

If it can’t be sent that way it will have to be scanned then imported into the program.

Pictures should work nearly the same way except only emailed or on a disc.

I’m not sure I can scan them & have them work effeciently.

IN the 2nd phase board members will be able to post into their respective sections
on their own if they wish to do so.

I will keep up updated as the next steps



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2nd Tuesday each month

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